Åܽº ¹®¹ý¹®Á¦Á» ¿©Â庼²²¿ä... ¾ÆÀ̵ð: fruitseeker    2011-03-09
÷ºÎ ÆÄÀÏ :  

A : I want to be an archaeologist, just like in the movies.
B : Well, real archaeologists have less excitement than they're depicted

(a)as having

(b)as they have

Åܽº ¹®¹ý¹®Á¦Áß ÇϳªÀä.... Á¤´äÀÌ (a)¶ó´Âµ¥ µµÀúÈ÷ ÀÌÇØ°¡ ¾È°©´Ï´Ù.....
Àú´Â (b)¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇؼ­ Ʋ·È´Âµ¥.... °£´ÜÈ÷ ¼³¸íÁ» ºÎŹµå¸³´Ï´Ù^^

¹Ìµå¿µ¾î°­»ç 5Çü½ÄÀÇ º¸¾î¿¡ as¸¦ ºÙÀÌ´Â µ¿»ç°¡ ¸î°¡Áö°¡ Àִµ¥ ±×ÁßÇϳª°¡ describe ³ª
depict °°Àº ´Ü¾îÀÔ´Ï´Ù. [¹°·Ð Àú´Â ¹®¹ý Àü¹®°¡´Â ¾Æ´Õ´Ï´Ù.]
as µÚ¿¡´Â º¸¾î°¡ ¿Í¾ßÇÕ´Ï´Ù. º¸¾î´Â Çü¿ë»ç, ¸í»ç³ª ´ë¸í»ç ȤÀº ±×¿¡ ÁØÇÏ´Â °ÍÀ̾î¾ß°ÚÁÒ.

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