I'd like to socialize with you guys on Kakao in English ¾ÆÀ̵ð : fireposition    2012-10-04
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good to meet you guys 

I've been here for more than a year. but since I'm not a student, I don't have enough time to practice 

English. which means I'm not so much good as I've been here in training for that much time. 

so I guess it'd be great if we had English environment to practice online with our mobiles.

and I think almost members of here are grown-ups so that I know we're really busy and sometimes it's

hard to keep up with our class of here. and we feel depressed every once in a while because we're not

smart enough to memorize all the expression and not free enough to practice.

even worse thing is I'm still not used to English sentence structure.

practicing is one thing, using is another.especially speaking immediately is the most difficult for me. 

and there is no English environment around me. I work on shifting schedule.     

I figured out I'd like to practice and use English on social network with mobile. we're not available to meet

in person due to the fact we're busy.

I've never been abroad for studying English, of course I was not born in English country.

and the saddest thing is I don't have any Korean friend who wants to use or learn English.

all my English is from here. 

if you're interested in my idea, and want to enjoy using English anytime with me

I don't care if you're students or seniors or housewives or beginners 

but there's only one thing that you should know, we're not allowed to use Korean on there.

we already spend too much time using Korean language to live in Korea everyday.

please leave a message and talk to me in English at the address below here 


my Kakao ID is " CliftonPW "

I've just signed up for this. and you can find me with it

and I use my English name on there. "Clifton"

if there's no reply from me, I may be working or sleeping. I'll get back to you ASAP. 

thanks,MidEnglish and I love all the members and teacher.

plz don't hesitate to text me. just feel free to visit my Kakao and let me talk to you on it and let's just use English to each other.
I agree that "we already spend too much time using Korean language to live in Korea everyday". I need to reduce using Korean as well.
hi,Chris. if you're a smartphone user and being like me,
just why don't we try to chat online with mobile? I hate to bother u while you're working or on a break. whenever we're free enough to think everything in English or express ourselves in English, just plz give me notice lol

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